January 14,2002


My Times

The New Year has started fast.
After a few weeks working on the James Albin album, that will be released in March, I've started pre-production with new artist Venice Cameron. She's from Toronto and writes great songs and sings like a bird.
We're looking forward to doing some live shows in LA over the next couple of months...

Some things never change.

According to AP News, Afghanistan is implementing Islamic law:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Afghanistan's newly appointed chief justice Fazal Hadi has announced he will implement Islamic laws in his country, saying thieves will have their hands cut off and adulterers will be lashed or stoned to death, the Afghan Islamic Press reported Saturday.

"The murder cases will also be decided under the Islamic laws," the agency quoted Hadi as saying.

Hadi claimed that the Prime Minister Hamid Karzai has also assured him of his full support in implementing the Islamic law in Afghanistan.

"The world and United Nations had recognized Afghanistan as an Islamic country and that all decisions in Afghanistan would be taken under the Islamic laws," Hadi said.

I thought that was why we removed the Taliban?

"Who controls the past controls the future:
who controls the present controls the past"

George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, a Novel.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1949

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