The City Builders – Sao Paulo Golf Club

November 5th, 2010 § 0 comments

Thanks to the intervention of the Brasilian government in Los Angeles by cell phone, Sau Paulo’s oldest golf club let us through the double security gates for a tour of the facilities!

Tamas Janovitz, one of the club’s six professional’s, was born in Hungary and raised in Germany, where he keeps his P.G.A. membership. In the photo we are standing in front of the spot where a very famous old tree stood for many years. It fell down recently. The club has planted a new one. The Sao Paulo Golf Club was founded by the same British, American and local businessmen who made the Brazilian coffee industry the largest on earth in the early 1900’s. Their golf club is still there.

Tamas Janovitz and John Jones at SPGC in Sao Paulo

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