September 1,2003 |
Petty & The Heartbreakers at The Vic Theatre 2003
My Times
is winding down in Hollywood and in Burbank. It's a new school year.
Steve has just returned from the second leg of The Heartbreakers Tour.
New Recording is starting again on the new Ferrone studio album and on my second album...
Matt Quave setting up to Mix Steve's Strut for the New Ferrone Studio Album last week at Drumroll .
I've started Production on a track for Huntington Beach singer Kim Crain.
Here's Kim with Canadian Guitarist/Writer/Producer Mike K during guitar tracking.
If you are in LA please come out to Emily's showcase at the Derby in Los Feliz on September 9...
One More Moment In Time
and Lost,
But Not for Golfing
New projects on the horizon - Karen Han - Warren - Stephanie - 60 cents...
I want to mention some of this
past weeks news...
Libyan officials
see compensation to the West as the sole means
of lifting hugely damaging sanctions - Libya
Spends Billions
The few Billion they have to pay is nowhere near as much as the 33 Billion the sanctions have cost them.
Greg Palast explains the latest Bush gift to the Nation - THE GRINCH THAT STOLE LABOR DAY .
Tunes on
jones - demo
jones - hendrix
jones - idris
George W Bush Sept 29, 2000 |