March 3,2003

Hi Tech Precision: Dee's Back!

My Times

I finally got a copy of Dee Long's new album Outsideand it's great!
It's Dee's best work yet and proves his commitment to continue using his enormous talents in creating music that fits perfectly next to Pink Floyd, The Beach Boys, The Beatles and Spirit by capturing the mood part of what we have been missing in rock music lately along with his cool & trippy story. I love it!

The new studio and musical workshop, Drumroll, is suffering from an acute dose of slow-construction-itis. We had hoped to be up and running by the end of January but the walls and doors and windows have to be finished before the Pro Tools HD and Control 24 console can be installed.
My pre-production room has become a storage area with little hope of making music in it.

This coming weekend we start to put the main room and the control room together and free up my room so I can begin pre-production...

I was quite disappointed with the Grammy's this year. Actually I'm usually disappointed with the Grammy's.
I hope it wasn't Stuart Breed doing the mix for Art and Paul. Was Paul's mic turned on?

It's nice to see the kinship of the film business spilling over into the music world. I mean, farmers follow their fathers into farming don't they?

Norah Jones? The best of the best?
I wonder how many Grammy voters are on Prozac?

Musicians believe that their creativity is especially valuable in the scheme of all things. This may be true. Art is progressive.
In other walks of life creative people make a contribution to our society in different and sometimes profound ways...

Jane Elliott is one of the most brilliant people I have ever come across.
I watched her 1970's experiment A Class Divided in total amazement.
You can watch the movie from the page linked above.

Further to my January 7 news page; the many lies that I hear repeated daily in the media about modern warfare and what quality of war we are able to fight today compared with 12 years ago, ignores the plain truth that as recently as last year in Afghanistan we showed how far we've come with the Billions of dollars we've spent on high tech weaponry and yet our most used weapons are what they call Dumb Bombs fired by opening doors on a B52 flying at 40,000 feet with all the high tech precision of a Dumb Bomb dropped from an airplane from 40,000 feet.

As noted last week, 85% of the bomb tonnage dropped on Germany and Japan for the entire second World War was dropped on Iraq in 2 weeks in 1991.

And that was nothing! This time we're really going to show them what we've got!

What a world!

Tunes on john jones - demo jones - hendrix jones - idris jones

emily richards - james albin - jayson haws

" Without music life would be a misunderstanding."

Friedrich Nietzsche

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