May 4,1998

The Taku River
My Times

This week there are a few changes on the Music pages.
On the Producer page the Celine Dion link has a story about the recording of Seduces Me, and the Solo Album pages have a new song, One Moment in Time.
Also added are RealAudio streaming audio song clips for your listening convenience and pleasure.
The complete version of Turning Me Inside Out from my album marks the first time you can hear an entire song on this site.
Expect to hear more complete songs and eventually video clips in the coming weeks.
Everyone keeps asking me about working with
Duran Duran again.
I'd love to!
Later in the summer I hope to be in London and I'll certainly make an effort to get together with them. However, I don't think it's likely that we will work together. The studio has really become theirs over the last 4 years, and Warren and Nick have a strong working relationship that has developed without me.
But I'd still love to give it a shot!
What the hell is this - Come Undone?!
Here's a hip DuranDuran site for fans who want to keep up with all the latest - Lizard King Duran News
The government of the Canadian province of British Columbia has lost it's mind!
The last great river in North America, the Taku, is about to be sold!
This is not some little stream, it covers 4.5 million acres and runs from BC into Alaska and is the home to thousands of species of plants and animals and the source of the only surviving Salmon industry in the Pacific North West.
"There are no roads, no cows, no dams, no clear-cuts, no mines.Alexander Cockburn - LA Times, April 30,1998
Redfern Resources has been given preliminary approval to develop a "vast lead, silver, zinc and gold mine" in the heart of the Taku River watershed. The mine will produce 2,500 tons of ore a day, with a 99-mile-long road being carved from the landscape, starting in the Canadian portion of the watershed.
The road will be the destruction of the Taku.
It will have 69 crossings of salmon streams.
It would be open to logging trucks, to poachers and to other mines.
The BC government says it "could result in a chronic discharge of effluent contaminated with acids, heavy metals, petroleum products and/or toxic reagents." but they are allowing it!
Redfern Resources wants to set the bulldozers to work this summer.
The great Taku river watershed has been home to the Taku Tlingit people since 2000 BC. They are the only Native American dual citizens of the the USA and Canada.
They need all our help to stop this madness!
The EPA and the Alaskan governor are hotly against the plan going through, and with an old treaty from 1909 between Canada and the USA to protect the river, it may be up to the US Secretary of State to show us that her environmentalism truly is the "great new project of U.S. diplomacy"!
"If we are to address this problem of world hunger--and who else is responsible for it except those of us living here?--we need to affect a massive shift in where we feed the foods of our fields. Instead of feeding grain to livestock, we could feed the world by feeding the grain direct to people"
Linda McCartney1