August 5,1996

My Times

As you know by now, is alive and well!

Please send email to
It shouldn't be hard to remember!

The site of the week is The Toronto Star.
If you are a news hound like me, you might find this list of publications on the Internet quite useful!

Since this is my first album, and I've never recorded any album so quickly, I'm taking a day or two to decide which of the 17 tracks are going to make it.
Part of the process is deciding a running order.
What I try to do is look at each song in a dynamic way, coupled with it's "key", then see how they all run together.
I would like the flow to start in the middle, rise to the top, slow down, rise again to the finale.
I think I'll listen to some Bartok and Beethoven for help.

The Music pages still have a few of the demos.

As mentioned last week, Dan Hill and our song Wrapped Around Your Finger, is number 22 on Radio and Records (Rand R) Adult Contemporary chart, and number 20 on the the Gavin chart!
The Gavin chart is especially nice, as this is the first time I've seen the song on the Web! (We are on the AC chart).

If you are a Glass Tiger fan, these pages were put together by the brilliant producer/writer Sam Reid, and include another page on Alan Frew.

In fact, I found Dan Hill and some other great Canadian writers at the Songwriters Association of Canada site!


When certain agencies decide that they have to find evidence of a bomb on Flight 800, the outcome is already assured.
Massive structural failure between the cockpit and the main fuselage is the obvious cause of the crash.
All the evidence points that way. The question is, what would it mean to the other 1000 Boeing 747's flying around the planet if it wasn't a bomb?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to imagine the chaos!
My hunch is that it has something to do with the deal for Boeing to buy Rockwell's space division, Boeing's share price could handle the truth!
There's a nice place to find Aviation News at US Aviation.

Keep checking to see if the Federal Aviation Administration ultimately is found responsible for certifying the older 100 version of this US taxpayers military investment, 10 years beyond it's design specification!

"A consumer product is torching homes and killing Americans!"
(Duran Duran...Liberty)
From CNN News 1988