This weeks My Times Site of the Week is ExpressVR
The home of a great vrml plugin for Netscape 2 also has links to many sites concerning vrml and the WWW.
The laugh has changed this week.
You must have Netscape 2 and the Shockwave plug-in to see the movies and hear the demo of my first single!

Last week I started a project with Davinci
We're working with Stuart Breed who was one of my mates at Air Studio in London in the 80's.
I think he might have learned a thing or two from
John Punter!
It looks like the US Military in Bosnia is either a lame duck or maybe they don't like the Clinton Government very much.
6 hours to locate the scene of a major US Cabinet members plane seems to be one or the other.
I'm sorry for all the people on that tragic plane.
But how many people know the US taxpayer foots the bill to fly private companies representatives around the world to secure business for themselves?
I wonder who's winning the race to rebuild the devestation caused with products sold by another sector of the business world? Do they have shares in each others companies?
Motor Racing
Can Damon Hill win 6 in a row?
The great news is that Jack is back!
Bring on the Masters
Look out Bobby Jones!