Over at the Apple Grammy Webcast site, they have all the interviews from after the show in their archive.
We all love to see Ron Dennis crying.
I'm still on cloud 9. I've sort of taken a rest this past week.
I've played a litle golf, gone Whale spotting on Point Mugu, jived to the songs of the 30's and 40's at the All Night Strut, and felt wonderful because of the warm feelings you've all sent to me. Thank you again!
You'll find my free for all nestled between The Smashing Pumpkins and Stevie Wonder.
Highlights of the sillyness include Rick Nowels, the famous Prince Grammy story, and the almost Dan Hill interview.
Lots of plugs for the web site as well as a call for an engraver at the award venue can be heard throughout the 6 minutes of sillyness.Motor Racing
As far as the GP is concerned; "the Australian who wondered whether Hill had stopped in sympathy with the town's striking tram drivers won the award for cruellest joke of the day."-Paul Hayward, Electronic Telegraph.
Maybe not quite as much as seeing David Coulthard win the race!
The top story at Backstage
Pass All Access Wireless News Service for March 7th poses an age old musical question.
"If a reward - money, awards, praise, or winning a contest - comes to be seen as the reason one is engaging in an activity, that activity will be viewed as less enjoyable in its own right. With the exception of some behaviorists who doubt the very existence of intrinsic motivation, these conclusions are now widely accepted among psychologists."
Alfie Kohn - Boston Globe 1987