August 11,1997 
My Times

Sustainable Society
Every day we are finding more and more stories about
damage we are doing to
our home planet. From toxic ground water to oil refineries, we're
destroying the
future. While our governments continue to put limits on polluters,
delaying the
inevitable destruction, we
continue to consume at an ever increasing rate.
How can we stop this madness?
How could we live without electricity and cars and factory farming and
How can we attain a sustainable society?
This article from RACHEL is a near perfect blue print for the
society we need to demand from our leaders. Please read it and let me know what you think!
The Sustainable
Business Network has a web site.

The State of Mind video is looking great. James
Starr is putting the final touches in place.
The new song is Face to Face. You can hear it if you have the Quicktime
Plug-in, on the Album part of the Music pages.
I've been working on songs for Celine Dion with a
variety of songwriters.
From Kaya to Dan Hill, Lamont Dozier
and Dalbello, we're all giving it our best effort to put some great
songs together for the wonderful Celine.
My album is still taking far too long to get
released. I'm beginning to feel like I've been crying wolf...
I expect the Video and first single will be delivered to radio in
Knowing what the Christmas rush of releases is like, you might get to
hear it in January!
I keep forgetting to mention that the Radiohead CD,
OK Computer is the best thing I've heard in years.
Honest music, with intelligent lyrics and a genuine Rock and Roll

Since I've been known to contradict myself...
I don't
think I can live without one of these CD
Could they make one out of vegatables?

What more can I say? The man was awesome!
"You've got to be optimistic when you're Welsh,
Wales is such a shit
place to come from," he adds jokingly. "I'm basically a happy person. At
the end
of the day, you
endure what you have to, but you have to remember that the majority of
population of the planet
is having a worse time than you are."
Karl Wallinger -- the lone force behind World Party
- Jam Music
©Bayview Avenue Records Inc.