January 12,1998

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My Times

This week we are having a little contest. Actually 3 contests. The winners will be sent a pre-release Reference copy of my new CD album, One Moment in Time.
The Questions
- The first person to correctly identify the guy in the bath robe and to make a good guess as to what he is doing in the photo will win a CD.
- The second CD will go to the person who can tell where this picture was taken.
- The final CD will be awarded for the best "caption" for the picture.
If you have the answers click Here
Music sites of Special Interest for this week:

I don't know about you, but I think this cloning thing is great!
Is it because of Woody Allen's movie Sleeper and the plan to clone Hitler from his nose that we're so afraid of it?
This week 19 countries banned human cloning.
L et's say we can eventually re-create an entire human being. Maybe the world would be better off with a few copies floating around of our best specimens.
Cloning is a fantastic development in medicine. It has already brought us a new heart valve cloned from our own tissue. There is no problem with rejection and the lining of the vein can be improved from the original version.
Soon they will be able to clone entire organs. Smokers might be able to replace their lungs with new ones!
They can even clone bones, not to mention many other body parts including breasts!
The possibilities are endless and suggest the greatest breakthrough in medical history is upon us!
But wouldn't it be cool if they could clone a human from the past?
How about another version or two of Albert Einstein, Mother Theresa or J.S. Bach?

Just a note to mention that the new 1998 F1 cars are starting to appear.
The good news is that they aren't the ugly F3 cars someone claimed they would be!
The bad news is the new Williams paint job really stinks!
There are a growing number of genetic abnormalities that have been
developing in humans over the past century. Most scientists believe these genetic abnormalities to be the result of environmental damage caused by the excessive use of pesticides and chemical contamination of water reserves. A person is more than four times likely to be born with a genetic disease today then only one hundred years ago.
Dr B. Benoit with one good reason for Cloning1