There seems to be a lot of griping about the increasing number of Web sites trying to charge money. Everywhere you look there's another banner or a form asking for your credit card.
I don't like it either!
A site from the past that I'm still enjoying is The Gavin .
Here's a little help

I spoke with Nick Rhodes the other day. He says that he and Warren have enough music for two albums!
I just wanted to know where the new Duran Duran album was!
The first single from the Dan Hill CD that I produced and wrote for is coming out in June!
The first single is a song that I wrote with Dan, Wrapped Around Your Finger.
I hope you all love it!
I've been reading about the history of Canabis. I'm getting very angry about what I'm finding out!
Did you know that this plant just might be the Holy Grail, able to supply us with everything from paper and cloth to plastics and fuel for our cars and electricity generators?
And it can do all of that with almost no pollution!!
What the hell has been going on in this world?
I'll have a lot more to say about it in the coming weeks.