September 14,1998

Starting early.
My Times
Thank you to everyone for your emails and guestbook entries!
I really do appreciate your questions and comments.
I'm sorry that I take so long to answer...sometimes it's quite overwhelming.
Your encouragement and your support of this web site and of my carreer has had everything to do with my album finally being released in Canada tomorrow!
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!
The State of Mind Video has been added on CMT Canada under light rotation.
I'm not sure what that is, but I think I'd like it.
The single State of Mind went to radio in Canada on September 4.
Here are some Canadian Radio Stations that broadcast in RealAudio and who might be playing it soon.
I'll be playing a few songs with John Bojicic on Wednesday the 23 of September for the Bluebird North showcase at The Big Room on the Esplanade in Toronto.
The show is being produced by Sam Reid and will be hosted by Lawrence Gowan.
The current line up is :
- Larry Gowan (host)
- John Jones
- Ken Dirschi
- Erin Benjamin
- Jason Fowler
- Cindy Church
- Melanie Doanne (not confirmed)
Please come out on Wednesday and hear some great Canadian songwriters and me!
In keeping with the meaning of the State of Mind single, I'd like to mention the United Nations Social Policy and Development program and their goal of Eradicating Poverty.
If we could spare a little time from the constant craving for more money our society promotes, we might be able to help the people in our own backyards who have been abandonded by their families, their friends and their governments.
Nothing is easy in this State of Mind...
"When greeting the head of state, they only have to go down on one knee."
John Cleese on why the English are superior to the Americans.
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