March 16,1998

My Times

My appologies for not updating this page last week, my spare time has been non existent.
To everyone waiting for a response regarding tapes sent in, I'll be in touch very soon...
I've finally finished the score to the feature film "Stuart Bliss". The last few weeks have been overwhelming and the mix starts today.
In all I spent over 300 hours writing and recording the score and the songs and I loved nearly every minute of it.
The films director, Neil Grieve, acted as Musical director and always had an encouraging and often brilliant suggestion whenever the large number of que's found me loosing my way. I'll have to think hard about developing a method for scoring future films.
I never got tired of the pleasure writing the music gave me, and I'm looking forward to my next opportunity.
Composer Reference
The artwork for One Moment in Time, my new album is almost at the printers. By next week I will be able to announce the details of it's release and by whom. I am very happy with the partners I have been lucky enough to meet. I feel that we will really have a shot at competing in todays rather dull climate.
Album Artwork Reference
My good friends at HHB have kindly lent me a Genex Magneto Optical 8 track disk recorder to play with. It's capable of recording at 96k sample rate with 24 bit resolution which should make for some very good sounding audio DVD's! Stay tuned...
A special mention this week is in order for a great web site that shows another of the very valuable reasons to have internet access with decent bandwidth - Live Concerts

The Formula One season has started. The first race in Australia was totally dominated by the new Adrian Newey designed Mclaren with the Ilmor/Mercedes V10 and Bridgestone tires. No suprises there!
Controversy reared its head again when Mclaren driver Coulthard allowed team mate Hakkinen to take the lead with 2 laps to go. They say that Hakkinen was called into the pits by mistake, and in so doing, lost the lead to his team mate. Needless to say the fans felt robbed, and it is said that Coulthard had better not show his face in Melbourne for a while...
The FIA responded to an outpouring of criticism by reminding us that F1 is a team sport and that the teams are allowed to fix the outcome of the races. Many great drivers of the past have won races in team mates cars that they only drove in the latter parts of the race when their own cars retired due to mechanical problems or crashes.
Is Hakkinen any less a winner than Fangio? I think not.
It appears the Mclarens are powering their oil and water pumps, not from the engine, but generating power from the braking! That means the V10 has more horsepower, which explains their domination so far. Williams and Ferrari couldn't be 2 seconds behind without some sort of disadvantage.
Here is the latest bad news regarding the current Formula One on TV nightmare for the US & Canadian loosers who like a bit of screaming engine with their porridge - It's just as lousy coverage.
At least it's not ESPN!
ESPN stopped reporting on F1 last week on their RPM 2 Night farce.
Why oh why is F1 tv coverage so dismal? If Bernie would come over to my house and watch the crummy production quality, he'd understand why only hard core fans even bother to look for it in the TV guide.
Has the FIA ever considered hiring a publicist? Or a production team?
I thought Formula One was supposed to be a high tech showcase of talented inovation?
Oh well...

Since I've been going on a bit too much about the world the last few months, I thought it might be a nice change to direct you all to something a lot more fun.
The Webtrips site is pure entertainment. No politics!
You'll need all the latest Shockwave plug-ins...
"It was frustrating," she admits. "But you know they gave us a
choice, a minute-and-a-half or nothing. So we went for the
minute-and-a-half, which if anybody had any sense, they would
because it's huge, huge, huge coverage. Everybody was saying,
'Well, don't you feel further marginalized by doing this?' Bottom
line is it's better than a kick in the ass."
Sarah McLachlan about the Grammys in Jam Music Interview1