I'm still looking for an audio server to host my tunes on the Net.
It might end up being a radio station or even just paying for space myself.
I'm finding it very time consuming looking at all the options. Do you have any ideas?
The site of the week is a collection of Olde English Sayings.
How else will you find out what saved by the bell means?
For anyone who noticed last weeks overdue tip.

I've had a few days to cool down after the past few months of recording, mixing and editing my own record.
It's given me a chance to go through a box of old tapes that Mick Fleetwood entrusted me with.
Well, I'm being blown away! Some of the tracks were part of a movie from 15 years ago. I've already found two gems on the first tape!
This stuff is great!
I'll be bugging Mick all week about what a great album the Lost Tapes of Mick Fleetwood would be! Wish me luck!
In case you were wondering, last week I was giving the weather reports for Los Angeles, Toronto and London
The new Duran Duran single that I heard last week is not called Boys on Holiday as someone from France suggested in their email!
Treading Water
I was shocked to read that in Los Angeles alone, there are 500,000 people living in Slum Dwellings.
That's when you have to put cotton in your ears to keep the roaches out while you try to sleep in your one bedroom apartment with 2 or 3 other families!
The same scenario is repeated elsewhere in the world.
Where are the city officials to stop these greedy landlords from operating such dreadful living quarters? And where will these people live if they are ever stopped?
The answer has never been easy to find.