August 25,1997 
My Times

Today we finally Mastered my album. Stephen Marcussen has put his velvet touch to my rag tag barrel of songs. I never doubted his ability to find the glue for my indulgent sonic diversities.
The monkey is looking for a new back.
I've decided that the best way to pick a release date for the first single, is to write down a bunch of dates on small bits of paper, put them in a hat, and "put your head between your legs and kiss your...".
So how about the end of September? The video should be ready by then too.
And now for another song from the album...

I love finding newspapers on the web that I used to read. Of course the obvious place to find them is the CyberToilet.
I really miss reading the Evening Standard. Especially on the train to East Grinstead.
Now I can do the Times crossword on my laptop while holidaying in Mongolia.

Now that you've made yor CD, how about the cover?
Artwork 101
Can I get it printed on Hemp paper??

What more can I say? Pedro out qualified him!
"You've got to be optimistic when you're Welsh,
Wales is such a shit
place to come from," he adds jokingly. "I'm basically a happy person. At
the end
of the day, you
endure what you have to, but you have to remember that the majority of
population of the planet
is having a worse time than you are."
Karl Wallinger -- the lone force behind World Party
- Jam Music
©Bayview Avenue Records Inc.