This week's My Times Site of the Week is Atlas.
Clickable maps, in many many scales, of most of the USA, where you can search for a company, then see from a state map to a street map of veiws, right down to the building!
This week I have added quite a few new pictures to the site.
On the bio page, there's baby pictures and a picture of the equipment in Privacy studio.
And for some of you, here is what I saw during the MTV unplugged rehearsals. It was really a classic moment for me. Dueling pianos, and that velvet Beatle Jacket!
The Useless Information archive!

I've been talked into playing my demos to a few record companies.
Why do I already know what they're going to say?
At least it's making me get a few more things together. (Just before the public disgrace of it's release?)
I mentioned two North American music business news sites.
Here is a site in the United Kingdom, Music News UK.
For those of you who have been wondering; who is Lisa Dalbello?
I saw Craig Stadler tee off at 9:42 this morning at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palasades.
He was a man on fire!
We followed him round the course, knowing full well, that this was the day of the Walrus
"If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself"
(JAMES BLAKE 1883-1983)