This week is the first anniversary of my news page!
The Old News still has many sites of interest.
So much has changed in the past year. The sites and sounds of the Internet are reaching the point where even the critics can't live without it!
If everything keeps going at this pace, next year we will be sitting in front of our TV's surfing the web on our cable modems, searching for movies, music and TV shows in the same way we search for web sites today.
I know I'm looking forward to the future!
This week, you owe it to yourselves to head over to Netscape and download 
Send me your comments:
The site of the week is Hitsworld.
Featuring Music Charts and reviews, with links to Radio Station playlists, artists and the Internet top 50!

The final mixes will be finished in the next 2 weeks. I expect to deliver the album in the first week of September!
If all goes to plan, it might get released before Christmas!
I wouldn't however be surprised if the Album was held back until January. It seems that all the new releases by the heavy hitters are timed to empty your pockets for Christmas!
The latest Dan Hill and Wrapped Around Your Finger news:
20 on Radio and Records (Rand R) Adult Contemporary chart
18 on the the Gavin chart!
In Canada it is number 11.
As mentioned above, the heavy hitters are effecting us!
A new album is heading to the shops from my old friend Dalbello.
The album is called Whore. I'm looking forward to getting my copy soon.
The link above is a new official Dalbello website. Check it out!
Politics - Motor Racing
As this is an election year in the USA, all kinds of crazy things are going to be promised. The latest is the now famous Clinton turnaround on Tobacco, and the realisation that Nicotine is a drug!
Although I agree that something has to be done to deter young people from starting smoking, I thought that someday they might just use the legislation they already have, and prosecute vendors for selling cigarettes to minors.
The problem with not allowing advertising, particularily effects my great love of Motor Racing. In Formula One, Marlboro spends $100 million Dollars a year. Who can possibly replace them?
Of course, if they continue down this route, then soon they must stop all advertising of anything that causes illness and death, such as, Automobiles, Booze, Red Meat, Coffee, Masturbation (makes you go blind), War, Religion, Leisure Suits (cause Cancer), John Tesh Albums and politicians.
In fact, maybe the Tobacco companies could use my arguement to defend their freedom to do business, and claim that it only causes mental illness, which as we all know comes from too much exposure to supercilious politicians!