The Web is full of stories and sites packed with information. One such place, more suited to the kiddies, is GusTown.
If you are good at drawing graphics on a computer, or writing html...drop me an email, I have jobs for you!

As I get closer to finishing my record, I've been learning about Enhanced CD's.
This Apple site has examples and links to more information.
Motor Racing
You have to admit the Cart teams really put their foot in it! Their mouth that is!
I mean, a whole month of saying what a bunch of amateurs the IRL guys were, and how they were the "fastest drivers" and the "best" teams in Indy type racing!
And wouldn't you know it, the race at Indianapolis was a great event! I was especially pleased to see Richie Hearns take third place!.
Over at the US 500, they had a multiple car pile up before the race even started!
The only real notable event about that race was that Jimmy Vasser has horse shoes coming out his ears!
For those of you interested in the game. The USGA has a very nice site!
One section deals with the Rules of Golf. A very well laid out site indeed!