January 28,2002

Christina Sessions 2001

My Times

Here is a link to a recent Interview I did for MP3.com - John Jones Interview

I'll be sitting in playing Bass this week with Emily on Wednesday, Jan. 30th at 8:30pm (sharp) at GENGHIS COHEN in Hollywood!
See You There!

I haven't seen Alfie in years. I'd like to hear better news than this...

Zappacosta in the Canadian Music Encyclopedia

If you need to play and you are in LA then here's the page - Open Mic

This little toy is going to be very useful around the studio. How could we have ever lived without one?
It would work a treat with a Boom Box in the garden too...


It Rocks!

Was someone else having a few drinks when he had a bit of a fall?

Angry Liberal Pretzels

Speaking of expense accounts...who says Money and Politics aren't one and the same?

"Who controls the past controls the future:
who controls the present controls the past"

George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, a Novel.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1949

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