April 28,1997 
My Times

On Wednesday April
30th at 7 PM, at the Free Times Cafe on College Street in Toronto, I'll be playing a 30 minute set of my
Accompanied by John Bojicic on the guitar, we plan on dancing the light fantastic (whatever that means!).
It's a very small place but I hope
you can make it! My album really is finished! Within a month I'll be able to
tell you where to buy it!
Next week I promise to put up some simple Audio files of the songs.
I promise!
Having a new Powerbook with a 16 bit input jack on the back makes it a lot easier than
it used to be.
My MiniDisc plugs right in!

This is for all of you Earthquake fanatics!
Yes, it's the live Seismocam, the
almost real time Fright Meter!

Fuzzy, Fuzzy,
The senior tour is coming soooooooon!

Well, I am suprised that HH Frentzen kept his kool on Sunday.
I'm sure Jacques would
have blown them all away if it were not for a faulty gearbox.
But who cares! I'm starting to lose
interest in F1 for the first time in 30 years! I think we need even a few more tire companies so that more than one team gets to have their's custom made.
And I'm easy to please.
The same feeling came over me watching Paul Tracy win the Cart race.
What is happening to

"The twentieth century has been characterised by three developments of great
political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of
corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy."
Alex Carey, Taking The Risk Out Of Democracy: Propaganda In The U.S. And
Australia , (Andrew Lohrey, ed.), University of New South Wales Press, 1995, Introduction by Noam
©Bayview Avenue Records Inc.