The race is heating up for the best Browser award. Netscape and Microsoft are moving the game ahead very quickly. It seems Java will be the standard for everyone. Those of us still using 68k Macs, might be wondering what Java is!
It's been 3 months since we were promised a version for our outdated computers. In fact, it seems the time has come to get a Power PC.
With VRML and streaming Audio and Video becoming an integral part of the Web, the old computers won't cut the mustard!
The big question is whether the soon to be released cross platform machines will be able to take advantage of all these developments, or will the software writers make us wait for yet other versions of their wares?
Time will tell!
This weeks My Times Site of the Week is the US Television Guide
An almost complete listing of what's on the box, which can be a handy thing to watch while your waiting for anything decent to download from the Web!
The Shock Index has a version of one of my soon to be released singles.
For the best results on this site you must be wearing Netscape 2 and the Shockwave plug-in.
Check out the links at the Surfing page.

We just got word that the brilliant musician, composer and record producer Bernard Edwards passed away while in Japan last week.
I understand that Bernard had only recently completed the new Power Station LP with John and Andy Taylor and was in Japan for a concert with his old freind Nile Rogers, who was his partner in the ground breaking group Chic.
I know that Bernard will be deeply missed by all his family, freinds and fans. It is truly tragic to loose such a talented human being in the prime of his life.
When men pretending to be wise,
choose the sword over the pen,
it's time we stopped believing,
that peace is what they meant!
Qana in Lebanon was the place where Jesus turned water into wine. Here we are 2000 years later, and we have not learned a thing!
When will the killing stop? Is it not up to the countries whose companies make the weapons to stop selling them to people who kill with them?
Why is it acceptable to murder when the killers are wearing uniforms?
Motor Racing
Well done Jacques! Winning in Germany cannot be easy for anyone but Michael. One point though, would Michael have been that close to Damon had he not run into trouble?