This week Netscape has Version 2 b5 available at their homepage. Everything seems to work, except the total lack of plug-ins for the Macintosh!
I have read that Version 2 will never support Java... for those of us using Mac '87 (sigh!)
So, I thought I might lead you to one of my "sources" of Net information...WebReference, this weeks My Times Site of the Week
The Internet is changing rapidly. If you want to have fun you've got to keep up with the software explosion! I find it only takes an hour a week to have a look at what's new, and "download" the latest releases.
The real number two in the Useless Information pages!

Not much to report as far as sessions this week. I've finished up a batch of new songs since Christmas. If one or two little things fall into place, I'll be telling you where you can buy my solo album.
At the moment it will be 60%-70% home recordings. Some people including me still call them demos.
If I can get more than 2 good songs on the record I'd be able to compete with the current crock of SuperStars!
I have heard that the much anticipated John Taylor Album will be out shortly.
I'm very much looking forward to doing some songwriting with Micky Dolenz. When I was growing up, there was nobody whose voice I loved more! I used to rush home from grade school wearing my Monkee shirts and boots to hear their latest song.
Can you imagine a TV show today where the stars are a band that play a new song everyweek!
Why has nothing fundamental changed in the way our "Utilities" go about the business of servicing our needs? On the Internet, software companies are continually improving the way we access our information. Are the Electricity companies improving the way we access our power?
Is burning fossil fuels and turning them into Alternating Current, then sending it many many miles inside cables, the most efficient way to deliver the greatest prize of the 20th Century?
Do we just keep on burning?
The Telephone companies are having to get off their reclining comforter to meet the challenges laid down by the Internet
What laws can we change to make the Power and Water people come up with something better for our planet? As long as we are all consuming ourselves to death, I guess it doesn't really matter.
Motor Racing
Christmas came late for those of us into multi piston racing engines.
Stewart-Ford has been announced for 1997!
With 3 time World Champion Jackie Stewart in the chairmans seat and managing director Paul Stewart looking to show the rest of them how to start a Formula One team, the future seems bright!
Well done!
I just about survived the Rose Woods 3rd Annual Holiday Celebration Golf Tournament on Martin Luther King Jr Day.
If I had taken about 10 less strokes I might have won!
The event is a big Fund Raiser for the Sickle Cell Foundation.
Last week I mentioned a great score keeping program for the Mac.
GolfMeister has a newer version, V 1.3 that adds some new statistics for the honey do bunch!
"If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself"
(JAMES BLAKE 1883-1983)
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