I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head that manage to enthuse and confuse me!
One such idea is that of a transportation vehicle.
Mine would be Electric and very light in weight. Ideally I would be able to recharge it at home on my own Power Generator. But first I need to find out the rules, as well as some kind of overview of the available technologies.
I went to FedWorld. Checked out US Government Servers. Found a sub heading for Energy, and discovered a URL for The Alternative Fuels Data Center.
If you have something you want to know more about, the Internet really is a gateway to knowledge.
Some government agencies seem to have their computers turned off during the Budget Shutdown!
Netscape 2.0 b3.... Why is it taking so long to get the Mac version going?
Don't forget to look back at the past weeks news from the news Directory There have been some interesting links and other matters of fashion!
This is the week to start my Useless Information page!

Last week I was in New York with Dan Hill and Rick Hahn finishing up vocals and mixing at the Hit Factory, a song that Dan wrote for the upcoming Celine Dion Album.
Humberto Gatica was at the helm for the vocals and the mix.
We managed to do a good impersonation of 3 Cheshire Cats!
It's hard to beleive, but three producers really can work!
Of course it helps if you can manage to hit the other two on the head with a hammer every hour or so!
This week it's final mixes for the Dan Hill album. I'm told the first single that I wrote with Dan, Wrapped, will be out on Valentines day.
A major footnote to last weeks digital transfer item...If you record your levels on the Apogee like you should, HOT, then make sure you tell them to set the playback output to -14 on the Sony 3348.
SSL's and Neve's etc do not like the level set at -20! Next time...
Sometimes it's better not to think about all the problems in the world. All politics means to me is a vehicle for us to use, in order to make the world a better place.
And allthough I can't look at Santa Claus without thinking about a Coca Cola bottle...at least Christmas brings people together, and sometimes with love.
Yet the politicians still find a way to screw it up, don't they!
"If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself"
(JAMES BLAKE 1883-1983)
Past weeks News