January 26,1998

But you have to buy it
My Times

Last weeks Contest has not produced a winner. Hand made copies of my new album are still available to anyone who can come up with the best answers...
The music and recording equipment manufacturers are in Los Angeles this week at the yearly NAMM show. If you're in town don't miss it.
If you haven't heard, Carl Perkins passed away last week. Carl was only 65 and he was a great influence on many many writers and musicians including me. Rest in Peace Carl.
Music sites of Special Interest for this week:

If you think I'm going to mouth off about a politicians main job; lying, you're right. But sex lies and audiotapes? No way. That's not nearly hot enough for me.
I promise that if you read this page, without even following the links, you will not only be amazed, but I'm sure it'll make you sick!
I'm still baffled as to why the mainstream press ignore these serious issues...does the Pope know about this?
Is money not enough motive for the doubters among us?
And for anyone who thinks the Drudge Report is not a part of the mainstream media, look at his links ( I love the audio ones!).

I lucked out in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Celebration Golf Tournament. I came second! I finally have a golf trophy with a little golfer on the top...
Rose Woods has again put on a great event to benefit the Sickle Cell Reasearch Foundation for the fifth year. Thanks Rose!
There are a growing number of genetic abnormalities that have been
developing in humans over the past century. Most scientists believe these genetic abnormalities to be the result of environmental damage caused by the excessive use of pesticides and chemical contamination of water reserves. A person is more than four times likely to be born with a genetic disease today then only one hundred years ago.
Dr B. Benoit with one good reason for Cloning1