All the rage this week is the news about Hot Java
If you have'nt heard, get over there right away. If you have a Macintosh like I do, we just have to wait.
Hot Java will bring us animation and trully Live Web sites.
How can it not be my site of the week!
Another fantastic place to visit is PixelSight.
This is a wonderful place that allows you to create and save graphics, like Text and Buttons.
I've been using it all weekend!
I just bought the new Blur album.
I think it's fantastic. You have to listen to it a few times. The first couple of songs are not the best way to start the record!
These guys have an awful lot of talent. I love it!
Has anybody heard the new Fleetwood Mac album. What do you think?
I'm in a writing mode at the moment. Dan Hill is in Europe, the lucky bugger, and won't be back until our live tracking days in a couple of weeks!
For those of you who were wondering, I heard from John Taylor, and I'm looking forward to seeing his band!
Motor Racing
I think that Michael Schumacher has become the deserved World Champion in Formula One! Congratulations "Shooey!
I'm sorry for Damon Hill, but, David Coulthard has kicked his butt the last 4 races!
Mind you, I think it was amazing how Michael won in Aida!
Next week Suzuka!
Did anybody else notice what a total farce the United Nations has become? It's not enough for the US to refuse to pay it's share, it also has to get its way with how the UN spends other countries money!
Why does the USA continue to isolate Cuba, while giving aid to Indonesia?
I mean, it's been years since the Mafia lost their property in Cuba! Surely there must come a point where we stop starving people because of money and politics!
Another not so small point; Why hasn't Britain,France and the USA signed the 1985 Pacific Non Nuclear agreement?