Beautiful song!
Fantastic track!
Written and Produced by Nick Wood and Simon Le Bon.
Additional production John Jones.
February 24th, 2025 § Comments Off on The Making of “Nobody Knows” by Nick Wood and Simon Le Bon. § permalink
Beautiful song!
Fantastic track!
Written and Produced by Nick Wood and Simon Le Bon.
Additional production John Jones.
February 23rd, 2025 § Comments Off on We’ve Got the Blue Jays § permalink
Recently. ESP Studios, Buttonville, Ontario, Canada, alumni, Frank Watt, sent me a folder of tracks that were recorded in the studio in the 1980s.
One track was called “Blue Jays.” I had never forgotten the track, but I had forgotten working on it with Mike Bouyea and Dee Long!
Michael was a founding member of the Connecticut band “The Squires.” He wrote and sang their 1966 single “Going All the Way.”
Mike wrote, performed and produced, “We’ve Got the Blues Jays,” with Dee and the Fairlight CMI for the CHUM foundation.” Awesome!
©2025 johnjonesmusic
February 4th, 2025 § Comments Off on Seduces Me – Celine Dion § permalink
What a brilliant song by Dan Hill and John Sheard!
Originally Arranged and Produced by John Jones, Dan Hill, Rick Hahn and Michael Thompson.
Here is the brilliant Celine Dion Band performing “Seduces Me” LIVE at Memphis in 1997.
February 4th, 2025 § Comments Off on Shine Again § permalink
A brilliant new release from Madam Snowflake!
January 25th, 2025 § Comments Off on Songs of 1994 – 1995 § permalink
An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between 1994 and 1995!
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Keys: TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Bass: S1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Steinberger w EMGs electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1994
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1994-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Keys: TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Bass: S1000
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Steinberger w EMGs electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1995
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1995-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator.
Keys: TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Guitar Center Anniversary Stratocaster electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Bass: Fender Jazz w EMGs
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1994
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1994-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Bass: Jazz w EMGs
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Steinberger w EMGs electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by Lennon and McCartney ©1965
Produced and Recorded in 1993 by John Jones
©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Bass: S1000
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Fender Stratocaster
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: AKAI MG-1212, Panasonic DAT. AKAI DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Bass: S1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic
Recording-Mixing: AKAI MG-1212, Panasonic DAT. AKAI DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1995
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1995-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones
January 25th, 2025 § Comments Off on Bits & Bobs, Vol. 2 § permalink
An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between 1992 and 2003.
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones, Walter Turbitt
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones and Walter Turbitt
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools 24 bit
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums: Mick Fleetwood
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums: Mick Fleetwood
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums: Mick Fleetwood
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals and Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1995
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals and Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©2000
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2000
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2001
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2002
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2002
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2002
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
January 23rd, 2025 § Comments Off on Songs of 1993, Vol. 2 § permalink
An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between March and June 1993.
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded in 1994 by John Jones
January 23rd, 2025 § Comments Off on Songs of 1993, Vol. 1 § permalink
An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between January and February 1993.
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums by Steve Ferrone
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Mixed by Stuart Breed
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
January 23rd, 2025 § Comments Off on Songs of 1992 Vol. 2 § permalink
An album of song demos written by John Jones and recorded between August and December 1992.
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones & Mark Dwyer
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones & Mark Dwyer
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
January 23rd, 2025 § Comments Off on Songs of 1992 Vol. 1 § permalink
An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between April and July 1992.
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones in London
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones