Jeff Golub

January 4th, 2015 § Comments Off on Jeff Golub § permalink

Rest in peace Jeff. All talent is a gift, and you have been most gifted. Sincerest condolences to your family and to the music lovers of the world at your passing.

I was lucky to work with Jeff, when, in 2003, he played electric guitar on Hatana for me and Steve Ferrone, at Drumroll, in Burbank. A couple of years later, Jeff returned, with producer/engineer Steve Miller, to record Steve, who tracked drums for his Grand Central CD, amongst other reasons.

Jeff went through an annus horriblis over the last few. He was diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), an aggressive and untreatable degenerative brain disease. First it took his sight.

His great friends and colleagues are doing a Concert on January 21st in New York, to raise funds for his family. Please follow the links and contribute, or go to the show, if you can!

Jeff Golub during the recording of Grand Central at Drumroll in 2005