Songs of 1994 – 1995

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An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between 1994 and 1995!

Too Much Love

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Keys: TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Bass: S1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Steinberger w EMGs electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1994
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1994-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Beat the Same Heart

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Keys: TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Bass: S1000
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Steinberger w EMGs electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1995
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1995-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Let Her Go (Hwy 101)

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator.
Keys: TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Guitar Center Anniversary Stratocaster electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Bass: Fender Jazz w EMGs
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1994
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1994-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Hide Your Love Away

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Bass: Jazz w EMGs
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Steinberger w EMGs electric
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by Lennon and McCartney ©1965
Produced and Recorded in 1993 by John Jones
©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

What Gives You This Hate (I Love You)

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Bass: S1000
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic. Fender Stratocaster
Guitar Amp: Mesa Boogie MK III
Recording-Mixing: AKAI MG-1212, Panasonic DAT. AKAI DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Bass: S1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic
Recording-Mixing: AKAI MG-1212, Panasonic DAT. AKAI DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Piano: Ensoniq TS-10
Keys: Ensoniq TS-10, VFX, TX-802, AKAI S1000, AKAI DD1000
Guitars: Yamaha acoustic
Recording-Mixing: Mackie, ADAT, Panasonic DAT. HHB CDR. DD1000
Written by John Idris Jones ©1995
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
©1995-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Bits & Bobs, Vol. 2

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An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between 1992 and 2003.

Face to Face (No Edit Mix)

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Break Our Bread

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

How Could I Do This (No Edit Mix)

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones, Walter Turbitt
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones and Walter Turbitt

All Left to Do

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

This Time I’m Leaving

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Piece of My Heart

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

You Bastard

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Pt Talk

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools 24 bit
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Buddy See You Later

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Call My Name

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums: Mick Fleetwood
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Alien Rock

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums: Mick Fleetwood
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Dear John

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums: Mick Fleetwood
Band: Digidesign Pro Tools
Written by John Idris Jones @1999
Produced and Recorded by John Jones


Vocals and Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1995
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Stan the Man

Vocals and Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©2000
Produced and Recorded by John Jones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2000
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

It’s Got Nothing to Do with Oil

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2001
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Awesome Rocker

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2002
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

I Didn’t Want to Save You

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2002
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Forgive Me

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Band: Notator
Written by John Idris Jones @2002
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

©1992-2003 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Songs of 1993, Vol. 2

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An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between March and June 1993.

She’s a Girl

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

This is No Time

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

This Time

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Lose You

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

As Long as I Can

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

If You Want Me Too

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

The Venus

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded in 1994 by John Jones

©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Songs of 1993, Vol. 1

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An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between January and February 1993.

It’s Only Love

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Break These Chains

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Let The Bombs Fall

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Dancing in the Moonlight

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Don’t Talk

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

How Could I Do This

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones. Drums by Steve Ferrone
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones
Mixed by Stuart Breed

Heart of Stone

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Love & Faith

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1993
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

©1993-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Songs of 1992 Vol. 2

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An album of song demos written by John Jones and recorded between August and December 1992.

Walking Next to Me

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Communist, Socialist

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Turn to Me

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Can’t Get Enough

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

I Don’t Remember

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Never Let Us Go (feat. Mark Dwyer)

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones & Mark Dwyer
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones & Mark Dwyer

I Want It All

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

What’s a Nation

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

When I Wake You Up

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

In My Heart

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

©1992-2025 johnjonesmusic-jibjones

Songs of 1992 Vol. 1

January 23rd, 2025 § Comments Off on Songs of 1992 Vol. 1 § permalink

An album of song demos written and recorded by John Jones between April and July 1992.

Face to Face

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Words Can’t Tell

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones in London

Lock the Door

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

If I Walk Away

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones


Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

I Walk the Line

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

For Once in Your Life

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

All Life Goes On

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

Oh Girl

Vocals & Instruments: John Jones
Written by John Idris Jones ©1992
Produced and Recorded by John Jones

@1992-2024 johnjonesmusic-jibjones