January 3, 2000 – My Times

January 27th, 2019 Comments Off on January 3, 2000 – My Times

Panasonic DVD-A7
My Times

The biggest y2k glitch that no one is talking about is coping with writing 2000 or 00 on letters and cheques. I remember when 1984 seemed a long long way away.

A new john jones page has been added at IUMA

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I have become interested in the new DVD Audio format. This is a file standard for music along with video and slide shows and text that allows us to work in the very high quality of 24 bits and 96k sample rate and higher and stores it on a DVD disc.
The door is now open to record and mix in 5.1 surround sound. The disc has room for a regular stereo mix as well.

It may seem like an exaggeration but I have never heard anything sound so real before. The dynamics are almost better than real life. In future we will be able to experience a closeness to sound that will make listening to recordings of the sea rolling onto the rocks just like being there. The capabilities are astounding. Long live DVD Audio!

Once the problems with copying are solved the market will be flooded with re-mixes of everything from Orchestras to the Beatles. Even though most people are heralding the age of the mp3, DVD Audio will make an mp3 sound like a very outdated mono AM radio. Of course at the rate things are developing the internet might figure out a way to stream these massive files anyway!

In our continuing quest to answer the age old question: What is a Record Producer… this article – The Record Producer as Architect – is worth a read…

The last few weeks there has been a lot of hot air spilled about the homeless situation in New York City. As usual we are never told the whole story…
This article; Why are People Homeless? is worth reading if you would like to know a little bit more about the problem.

One of the greatest new products about to hit the streets is the Eye Track from Olympus. At the moment you have to see it in Japanese but before long it’ll be at your corner store. 
Full screen high definition sunglasses with surround sound! Yikes!

” GETTING a NUCLEAR ARM to deter with.”

E.L.Wisty, S. Muldoon – The World Domination League


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